Uma ideia um projeto uma Ação

The Ideas Competition “One Idea, one Project, one Action” contest aims to instill in the Children of Basic Education Establishments in the Municipality of Aveiro, it intends to develop a culture of initiative, making young people its authors and actors and boosting their creativity and responsibility by supporting the development of innovative projects or ideas that can be implemented in the school or in the city. In order to develop entrepreneurial skills, students, with the accompaniment of their teachers, should, at first, analyze the context in which they are inserted (school and / or surrounding community) for a better identification of needs or opportunities. Based on this diagnosis, students and teachers are challenged to present ideas and to materialize them in actions, through the design and implementation of collective projects.


Strategic Principles:

a)      The teacher is considered an 'agents of change' capable of promoting the improvement of behavior and attitude of students, the final beneficiaries of the actions developed in schools;

b)      The involvement of several classes and teachers will be an asset in the development of common projects, thus providing an interaction between different areas of knowledge, team work and organization / coordination of tasks in a logic of profitability of resources (material and immaterial);

c)       The implementation of actions that respond to the needs and / or opportunities identified by the Educational Community will provide a greater involvement of students due to the fact that they review themselves in the actions and, therefore, have a more practical view of entrepreneurship;

d)      The recognition of developed projects, through their identification and promotion, as well as the support in their implementation are determinant to stimulate active participation.



The following Basic Education establishments from the public network of the Municipality of Aveiro can apply for the contest, namely:

a)      Schools of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education

b)      Schools of the 2nd and 3rd Cycle of Basic Education

c)       Schools

Kindergartens may be integrated, only in partnership with Schools of the 1st Cycle of Basic Education.


Support provided by the Aveiro City Council:

a)      Empowering teachers with the necessary skills for the development of the project;

b)      Financial support (co-financing) for the implementation of the project.


833593.svg Implementation Period: 4 school years  

school.png Schools: 4 (Total of schools in the Municipality of Aveiro)

image Implemented projects42

study.svg Engaged students: 6721

Class.svg Engaged teachers: 477