From 23 to 24 November 2021 the Aveiro HUB Tech City will host the meeting of the international project DiHUB whose goal is to develop a service model for the development of interconnected nodes using the latest cloud computing technologies for the development of innovations, education and generation of new companies.
The event starts on the 22nd with a visit to Aveiro and the project opening meeting on the 23rd, with the participation of the Mayor of Aveiro (CMA), José Agostinho Ribau Esteves. Integrating the agenda are the presentations of the Aveiro Tech City initiative and the Aveiro STEAM City project. The works take place until the 24th and the guests may follow online through Teams.
The goal of the DIHUB project is to develop an interconnected development service model (platform) and network based on cloud and mobile technologies (4G/5G) across Europe. In the developed model, the latest cloud and mobile technology tools can be used for practical learning sessions, innovative cooperation and for innovative development of pilot projects for professional excellence and companies. Five digital innovation hubs for cloud-based services will be created in different locations across Europe.
The DiHUB project is developed by 11 partners from 5 European countries: from Finland the Helsinki Business College (project leader), the Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences and the Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce; from Croatia Algebra University College and Croatian Employers Association; from Bulgaria KNOW AND CAN ASSOCIATION and Bulgarian-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry; from Estonia Tartu Vocational Education Centre and BCS Koolitus; and from Portugal Inova+ and Cluster TICE.PT.
See the event programme here.
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