Transversal competences as a differential for a good professional

Transversal competences, also known as soft skills, are personal attributes that help professionals to deal with the situations present in their daily lives and to improve their interactions with the rest of their team. These competences play a key role in the good performance of any profession, and gain particular importance in the context of digital transformation. With the digitalization of the labour market we perceive a scenario where professionals act and will act increasingly in strategic and management positions and where manual work will be increasingly attributed to machines.

In this new scenario, collaborative and multidisciplinary work becomes of decisive relevance for the adoption of new technologies and processes and, thus, to transform the business and cause a rupture with traditional models. The valorization of transversal competences adding to the technical competences gains prominence, companies are increasingly seeking ac-tive professionals who pursue to develop their transversal competences.

The work of the observatory in prioritizing competences for the digital future also includes the benchmarking of transversal skills needs. Along with the process of identifying and prioritizing technical competences, companies and local ac-tors were invited to give their vision on the needs of transversal skills for the sustainability of the digital transformation of the Aveiro region.

The results (figure 2) showed which are the transversal competences pointed out as most needed, according to the ITCE sector. Autonomous learning received great prominence showing that digital transformation requires professional’s capable of acting with independence and self-confidence. In addition, the professional who reveals autonomous learning must also show himself/herself to accept criticism and suggestions and have great decision capacity. Other transversal competences highlighted were: team work, communication, adaptability and time management. Showing once again the need of a professional capable of adapting, working and man-aging his activities in face of a scenario with rapid changes and great demand.


Figure 2 - Transversal competences considered most needed, ICT sector.
