Smart Cities - Concepts and benefits

Smart Cities are the result of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) through technological systems and tools and their application to urban projects. The use of sensors, monitoring systems, wireless networks, autonomous devices and mobile applications, allows data collection is taking place at an unprecedented pace, and offers immense support for the development of new solutions to address social problems to improve the quality of life of citizens.

Smart Cities encompass intelligence  in the human and collective spheres through the pillars of innovation, public management, sustainability, inclusion and connectivity.

The developments of new technologies has provided an increase in interactivity in the daily lives of citizens. Innovative solutions in different areas of the urban environment have been presented, with the aim of optimizing relations between the community and the services, public and private, that exist in the territory.

Intelligent solutions optimize public  services through the analytical management of information about where resources are being consumed. This data enables better monitoring and management by the municipality and allows citizens to make more conscious use of it, reducing operational maintenance costs and increasing the life span of existing infrastructure. A Smart City uses the technology to provide a new way of living in the city.

The success for a city to become truly intelligent lies in the importance of its inhabitants as the main sources of information.