Digital competences for the future

Human capital is the factor that allows companies to use technology more efficiently, an essential element in today's society and in the new organization of work.

Digital transformation is not just about implementing new technologies. Digital tools are one of the edges of this transformation that must be followed by a digital mindset. If people who use technology on a daily basis are not committed to digital transformation, it major impacts in the organizations and in the markets will be lost.

Digital skills refers to the ability to use technology along with skills to optimize processes, making them increasingly efficient. The range of competences that are required both for existing and new occupations is expected  to change across sectors, transforming both the workplaces and the way people performs their jobs. New competences are needed, especially the socalled transversal competences, that are acknowledged to be necessary to complement technical competences. Interestingly, the results of the consultation carried out with companies in the sectors of ICT, Tourism / Services and Industry support that transversal competences are indispensable for an adequate implementation of new technologies.

Among the competences that have been highlighted by the companies involved in the studies conducted by the Observatory are autonomous learning, time management and the ability to solve complex problems. Therefore is important to develop  adequate qualification to support the adoption of technologies. This new scenario requires a change in the entire education and qualification system, as well as a requalification of professionals, "pressured" by the difference that can be created between the speed of change and the speed of learning, so that they feel more integrated in digital transformation.

The mission of the Labour Observatory is to contribute to a prospective view of Aveiro's qualification needs, providing systematically, to citizens, education and training entities, as well as to companies and other stakeholders, information on the competences needed in the labour market for digital transformation, increasing employment opportunities and competitiveness in the region.